There is a slot for everyone; you just have to find a spot that fits you. It isn't surprising that knowing what you want to do and where you want to go with the rest of your life doesnt come easy.
Graduating from high school is one of those moments that leaves you feeling like you're at the edge of a ravine, one foot on air the other on rock, unsure of what is to become of you. In our high schools there is generally no transition for students from school to career.
If you decide not to go to college, you can stay in the job you had in high school, or get another job, but you will probably have a hard time finding one that pays well. With only a high school diploma there arent many opportunities to earn much more than minimum wage. And so if you decide to try for something else (college), you have to apply to college and most likely financial aid. If you want to go to a good college you better hope you have a good gpa or high class ranking.
Say you get to college, if you choose that path, and must pick your major - the pressure. Unless you go to high school with a specific academic concentration, you may know very little about the major you choose. And then as you go along and decide you despise your chosen path, you have to go through all the crap of figuring out what to change to, and then there is applying to a different college unit.
Now, after all of this that you go through, what if you arent happy when it comes down to it. You chose your career, or your concentration, because in some cases, a concentration doesnt coincide with a career. But you arent happy. It isnt what you want to do; you thought so at first, but you have changed and it's not what you expected. Where to now? Back to school? To the drawing board? you stay in the your chosen path and stay unhappy. It pays the bills or it doesnt but you chose it and you dont want to go back to school or go back to job searching. You live the rest of your life doing something you despise, waking up to an alarm clock that rings in the day of the usual and the mundane. And then at the end of it all, where are you?
Settling for something because you already made it to a certain point or because it pays well doesnt seem to be all it cracked up to be.
When I sit in my desk filing papers, putting binders together, and answering the phone where more times than not I am asked questions I dont have the answer to, which I then have to redirect or search out, I am bored. OUT OF MY MIND. But I get paid. It keeps me coming back. The thing is I could never do this forever. well unless I want to bore myself into an early retirement I cant afford because I am only 25. =)
Shouldnt you find something you enjoy, at least a little bit. THe problem is that it's sometimes hard to find that thing; some never find it. You should never settle. but maybe sometimes you have to, sometimes it is situational, I realize this. But you should certainly try. You have to get something out of life. And if you dont believe in God you better try and get something out of the life you have because you dont think you will have anything afterwards. And if you believe in God, you can still make the most of your life. Wouldn't want to be wasteful now would you??
The unknown is scary. Picking through the slots to find your fit may be "rewarding" but it isnt exactly the first choice, slightly tedious and frustrating. When you find your slot, dont move! well unless you change as some people do as they get older, and you need to find another spot for ther an end to the searching, to the discovery? I'm not sure, doesnt seem like it though.
sigh. i need a nap.