Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Two-headed dachshund

Sitting on the couch today, eating my chicken broth and crackers, quite a delicious meal, I look over at my dogs. Some thing is different I realize. My dog Silver now has two heads, his second head poking out of the area of his stomach. Of course I know that it is my other dog Amber's head, but it is quite the picture. Silver is practically on top of Amber, and she is content to be his pillow, squashed beneath all eleven and half pounds of his body. This is not the only instance of perverse laying, it happens often. More than once I have been looking for the two of them, and I see one on the chair, and then after seaching everywhere - everywhere is merely the small expanse of my apartment. turns out that both dogs were on the chair but they were so contorted as to appear as one dog. Well the point of this was that it is usually very funny, but it must not seem very funny in writing or then again maybe it is just funny to me cause they are my dogs...

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