Monday, April 18, 2005

Living Alone

or so Celine Dion likes to sing it, but she doesn't have to be so negative!

In less than a month I will be living alone. I have never lived alone before, so while I am looking forward to the experience I am scared shitless that I will stalk through my apartment at dusk with my sharpest knife in hand on a mission to discover any bad guys who might be lurking behind the next counter or past the next one wall of my small one bedroom. Good news though!!! My mighty doxies will protect me with their ferocious teeth and mean growls; I am sure never to be harmed.

On a more serious note, it is interesting how living alone is often looked at as a growth opportunity. People say, "You should live alone at least once in your life just so you know you can." WHat is that?? Just so I know I can do what? Defend myself against the loan gunman who stalks my front porch. Just so I can come home and say "Walls I'm home!" What is the point, really! I think living alone is overrated.

However...I will say that I am honestly looking forward to the experience, because I am embracing the idea that it WILL be good for me. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, they say - who is THEY by the way? Who actually says that? Probably the spectators on the edge of the road who watch the head on collision of a civic and a dodge ram.

Living alone could lead to mental disturbances on the otherhand. Sitting on the couch watching American Idol and talking to yourself because you have no one else there and then before you know you are your own best friend. Time passes and you arent even talking out loud anymore, it's all in your head. Good thing I have dogs, HAH!! I can talk to them lol! THat makes it sooo much better doesn't it.

I feel positive about it though. I think I am going to like it. And...I am sooo soo excited!!!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i heard on npr once that a guy in north carolina or montana (i forget which one) legally changed his name to "they," because he, too, wondered who "they" were and figured he should do something about it. he doesn't have a last name anymore--just "they." and now, his name is oh-so confusing because it doesn't follow correct grammer, because he is one person. for example, they is going to the grocery store. or, uncle they is coming for thanksgiving.

p.s. i am always surprised how nerdy i sound when i start stories with "i heard on npr."