Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Weiner Dog Terror or Sweet Leyla? Depends on who you ask...

So for the past week and a half I have had the pleasure of taking care of my parent's new puppy: Leyla. Boy was I excited when I first received the news. Little did I know how "wonderful" it would be. Even more, little did Greg know how greatly difficult it would be for him. This cute little weiner dog of bounding energy has terrorized us and enriched us for the last week and a half. To give you an idea of lovely Leyla, who by the way is not potty trained, we are going to have to rent one of those little carpet clearners from HEB. Greg's and my conversations when I walk in the door is,: Audra - it happened seven times today. You can guess what you think that means... Anyways. I am going to miss her when she leaves but OH MY GOSH, I will be so grateful - WAIT- scratch that - Greg will be so thankful to not have to clean up after her all the time.

A month or so back I considered getting a puppy. What was I thinking???? Sigh. Just think - picture bubble appears out of no where: 3 dogs and 2 cats - all in one 2 bedroom apartment. Right - IMPOSSIBLE.

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